Friday, April 20, 2012

Photos of Malaysia

Here are some random pictures of the area I am in.

Taken from 8th floor. The main land (Peninsular Malaysia) is pictured across 10km of ocean.

Land is limited here on the island. So, all the buildings are continuous from one block to the next. And you can imagine there is limited parking. Penang hill is shown in the background.....I will go there on Saturday.

Everyone drives on the wrong side of the road here! Note the UK influence. Apparently, the price petrol is standardized so they don't play the game of find the cheapest gas station. The walkways are underneath the overhang. And they have open drains, where all the waste flows. So watch your step and don't fall in!

Island Hospital where I am doing my rotation. It is on a busy road, but they do have a cross walk with a light. You still have to look, because some motorbikes apparently don't have to stop on a red light.

Island Hospital. It is a private hospital. You should see the deluxe suits on the 5th floor. They are like hotel suites with a small kitchen, table and couch in a separate room from the patient room. There are dual occupancy rooms and rooms with 5-6 patients. Of course the beds are separated by "sound-proof" curtains, just like the Parkland.

When the doctor walks onto the floor during rounds, the nurses flock to him and follow him from patient to patient. Its actually quite nice, that way the nurses know what is going on, he can give verbal orders and receive report. This is different, of course, than in the U.S. where we have to find and interrupt the nurses duties. Everyone seems to turn cranky with the U.S. method. Maybe I will try to implement this where I work in the future.

My very comfortable room. You will note the tile floor, the whole house is in tile. The bathroom door, which is a bathroom including a shower (!!), minus the sink which is in the corner. Dr. Tan even has her old medical textbooks which I can read for my rotation. They have been very helpful in my review during the evenings.

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