Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello from Hong Kong!
The plane ride over was uneventful. Although I learned that you must eat when they offer you a meal because it will be thrown out within an hour and you then starve until the next one. So, breakfast was excellent; It was an omelet (just eggs) with a sauce dribbled over it, with a muffin, blueberry yogurt and fruit. Unfortunately the seats did not recline, so I slept sitting up. The airplane held 400 people (40 rows of 10 seats) in economy. The first and business class entered through a special door, so I have no idea what kind of treatment they had. Although there are rumors that their seats reclined to a sleeping position. 

The airplane has two stories with two entrances, one for economy and the other for first and business classes. I really wanted to sneak in and take a look at the business and first classes. I wanted to see what I was missing out on. It might be worth the extra cost to actually recline or lay horizontal during the 14 hr trip across the Pacific Ocean.

After a long 14 hours I needed a freshen up. So I stuck my head under the sink, which really woke me up. I felt normal again after a quick face wash and brushing my teeth.

 After spending 6 hours, I started to feel like a trapped animal. There is really only one area with interesting shops to wander about in. Watching the planes land over the ocean and the boats go to port only passes so much time.

And, my new friend Cindy and I went to look for some local cuisine. We ended up at a restaurant named Taiwan Beef Noodle.  She ordered the beef and soup noodle. I ordered the brasien rice with pork. Both were very tasty.

Next stop, Penang, Malaysia.

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